Notice of the Fish Release on “The Fish Release Day Set by the Buddha”
Oct 29, 2016 will be the Fish Release Day set by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. To follow the teachings of the Buddha on benefiting living beings with great compassion, Hua Zang Si will hold a Fish Release event on that day. The merit gained from the event will be dedicated to the living beings which are to be released. We will pray that they receive protection from the Three Jewels, gain rebirth in the higher realms and be free from sufferings and full of happiness. We will also pray for all sentient beings in the Dharma realm that they be free of all forms of sufferings and karmic hindrances and obtain auspiciousness. May the correct Dharma forever be with us and may the world be in peace!
- TIME: Saturday, Oct 29, 2016, at 2:00 P.M.
- LOCATION: 110 Loch Lomond Drive, San Rafael, CA 94901
- REGISTRATION: Please register by Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016.
Contact Number: 415- 920 9816
Wesite :http://www.huazangsi.org
Email:[email protected]
10月29日是 南無第三世多杰羌佛《佛定放生日》,為遵奉佛陀慈悲利生的教導,華藏寺將于該日舉行放生活動。以此功德,迴向所放眾生得三寶庇佑,早生善道,離苦得樂,祈願法界有情無諸病苦,業障消除,諸事吉祥,並祝願正法永駐,國泰民安,世界和平!
一、放生時間:2016年10月29日(星期六)下午2: 00
二、放生地點:110 Loch Lomond Drive, San Rafael, CA 94901
聯繫電話: 415- 920 9816
電子信箱:[email protected]
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